23 October 2006

an offer you can't refuse

here in spain they really know how to do sundays. the typical sunday starts late, includes a walk and possibly a nap and is generally spent in bars and cafes, alternating between wine/beer and coffee. yesterday was a lovely example: despite the insistent rain i managed a stroll through town, found a new cozy cafe with yummy homemade cakes and enjoyed the company of a quippy friend ("top is the new bottom").

in new york i remember sunday always feeling like a punishment, the eventuality of monday was a doom that poisoned the possibility of an enjoyed afternoon. the exceptions were macki (tm) days around brooklyn and riis park in the summer. for the most part, however, sundays were just depressing.

last night i watched the godfather for the first all the way through. previous attempts had always resulted in a deep sleep. so what can i say that isn't trite and 34 years late? great movie, i loved it. part 2 is tonight.

today's question: who's a better actor: marlon brando, al pacino, robert duvall or robert deniro?

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